God’s Longer Routes & Not My Will

God’s Longer Routes
How I wish I could grow up faster and drive a car!
How I wish our wedding day would arrive sooner!
How I wish I had a baby!
How I wish I could be free of mothering!
How I wish for real peace!
How I wish life was not so mundane!
Lord God, are delayed blessings really so good?
Why do you make us wait so long?

Not My Will
"Not my will but Yours be done",
May this pray'r be mine, O Lord.
Saviour, help me yield to You
For you alone know the best for me
Allmy dreams and aspirations deep within,
To You I give, I surrender all to You
For I know You have a better plan for me;
Which You will reveal in your own time." 

[Lyrics and music copyright 1992 Catherine L.F. Wong] 

For Meditation and Prayer:
Exodus 13:17-18; Romans 8:28-29; Hebrews 11:1- 12:13


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