When the Master Pretends

When the Lord Jesus pretends to be ignorant, don’t talk too much! Instead, listen – for He may have something precious to say to you!


Luke 24:17-19, 25-27

"…What are you discussing together as you walk along?...What things?...’…And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scripture concerning Himself.”


There are 80 records that matched your search criteria

Date Title Category
16-Apr-2018 I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts
01-Aug-2005 All is Not Wasted
Little children should be seen but not heard...Only in middle age have I come to see how God used this distorted...
01-Jul-2005 So much and Yet so Little
Again and again, I feel the Lord's presence ever so closely in the midst of the unknown, neglected and oppressed,...
28-Jun-2005 Love is Here to Bloom
When Jesus comes to our home, He makes us bloom! Oh what hope, how different from previous gloom!...
01-May-2005 When We Hit Rock Bottom
When we fall very low and sink and sink into the pit, the highest joy and relief is ours when we suddenly realise...
01-Apr-2005 Ostrich Believers
Humans naturally gather in communities where we feel safe in in order to live relatively stress free lives. Yet,...
01-Mar-2005 God's Calculations versus Ours
* The world deems: 1 1= 0 God says: 1 1= much John 12:24 * The world deems: 1+1= 2 G...
01-Feb-2005 Ice Skating
Father, watching the figure skating events of the 1992 XVIth Winter Olympiad on live telecast lifted my soul up...
28-Jan-2005 Love is Here to Bloom
When Jesus comes to our home, He makes us bloom! Oh what hope, how different from previous gloom!...
01-Jan-2005 Sharing the Creator's Joy!
Writing is an art. The writer does not write to impress but to express. As such, the process of writing does not...
01-Aug-2004 Long sight or Short sight
If we are too spiritually long-sighted, we may fall on the steps before us. If we are too spiritually short-sighted,...
01-Jul-2004 Don't Envy
Many teenagers and young adults only see their friends' material wealth and their apparent freedom to enjoy "the...
01-Jun-2004 Womanhood and Manhood
Womanhood and manhood are precious gifts from God. When treasured and used faithfully, they reflect some of...
01-May-2004 Mother Prayed
Thank You, Lord, for Mother who showed me how to pray!
01-Apr-2004 Miracle Replayed
O Lord, to watch You pick someone up from the broken world of abuse, neglect, rejection, addictions,...
01-Mar-2004 Only What We Have
God requires of us only what we can afford...and that would be as valuable to Him as another person's gift, whether...
01-Mar-2004 Only What We Have
God requires of us only what we can afford...and that would be as valuable to Him as another person's gift, whether...
01-Mar-2004 Only What We Have
God requires of us only what we can afford...and that would be as valuable to Him as another person's gift, whether...
01-Feb-2004 Don't Argue but Discuss
God requires of us only what we can afford...and that would be as valuable to Him as another person's gift, whether...
01-Jan-2004 Repentance
Repentance is like getting disentangled from the webs of our past habits, thoughts and words so that we may freely...