Wait On Me And I Will Lead You - Hebrews 10:35-39

"You felt sorry for not asking Me before your enrolled for the seminar. You became unsure after the fees were sent in. But I assure you...'Go, for I have people for you to meet there.'

You know, My dear child, sometimes those who love one another hav spent so much time together that they just 'know' what other would say... I love you, My child...Come let Me hold your hand..."

Psalm 32:8-11


There are 34 records that matched your search criteria

Date Title
06-May-2013 Letters from "Listening at Gethsamane"
This chapter is dedicated to all pastors, their wives and children and lay leaders of God' family
01-Jan-2005 I Am Coming Again - Revelation 22:12-16
(Last in the series till further notice)
01-Aug-2004 Learning and Rejoicing - John 3:28-30
01-Jun-2004 Abide In Me - John 15:1-11
01-May-2004 Wait On Me And I Will Lead You - Hebrews 10:35-39
01-Apr-2004 He Tested Me - 1 Corinthians 3:12-13
01-Mar-2004 Check Your Motive - Psalm 139:23
01-Feb-2004 "Purify Your Lips" - James 3:1-12
01-Jan-2004 Let Me Take Your Hand - Luke 4:38-39
01-Dec-2003 Mum, You Have Not Failed - Revelation 12:10
01-Nov-2003 The Faithful God - Psalm 77:3-20
01-Oct-2003 False Accusations - Psalm 43
01-Sep-2003 Others Are Praying For You - Isaiah 43:1-7
01-Aug-2003 Teach Them to be My Friends - John 15:9-17
01-Jul-2003 Follow Me - Matthew 12:11-12
01-Jun-2003 Peace I Leave With You - John 14:27 & 16:33
01-May-2003 Tend My City Sheep - Ephesian 4:15
01-Apr-2003 Will Not Let You Down - Hebrews 13:5-8
01-Mar-2003 Wait for My Zacchaeuses - Luke 19:1-9
01-Feb-2003 My Pools - Isaiah 35:7